
The goal of the Cardinal Local School District Technology Department is to support academic and operation excellence by empowering people and processes with transformative technology.

Technology is vital in the communication link between school, home, community, and the world. To ensure we are providing the necessary tools to prepare for this ever-changing , technology driven world, we will:

  • Integrate technology within the community by sharing district, school, and student goals, progress, projects and data

  • Give all students and staff access to current and relevant technology and support resources

  • Encourage and promote 21st century skills and digital citizenship

  • Assist in student engagement and achievement using technology

Did you know that each building in Cardinal Schools has a Technology Coordinator to assist Staff with questions?

Jordak Elementary โ€“ Sue Becker
Cardinal Middle School โ€“ Shaun Spence
Cardinal High School โ€“ Lee Fenner & Jean Jerina

For additional training, documentation, and other resources, please click the + sign next to Technology in the menu on the right, and choose the topic of interest. 

Need to fill out a Technology Equipment Damage\Loss Report?


This is for laptops\projectors\etc. โ€” For iPad Damage\Loss, please scroll down โ€” 

Need to fill out an iPad Damage\Loss Report?


Once the Damage\Loss Report has been completed, please send device (including power cable) to the Technology Department at the Board Office

Staff Acceptable Use Policy 
Student Acceptable Use Policy