Cardinal Jr./Sr. High School

About our Jr/Sr High School
We are excited that the 2024-2025 school year marks a new era for the Cardinal Local School District. Part of that new era is that seventh and eighth grade students will be attending what used to be called Cardinal High School. This 7-12 campus is now called Cardinal JR/SR High School and has an average enrollment of 375 students. As we move forward, the teaching staff continues to study and implement strategies from Ohio's Plan to Raise Literacy Achievement. Our goal is that when a student graduates, he/she will either be going to college, entering a trade school, starting a career, or enlisting in the military. Students can pursue each of these paths at Cardinal JR/SR High School which will create a solid foundation for their future. Students have the opportunity to take college preparatory classes, fine arts classes, college credit plus courses from Lakeland Community College and Hiram College, and career technical courses that will all help provide a quality educational experience.