Infinite Campus for Students and Parents
Parent Portal
Have you experienced for yourself the perks of Infinite Campus’ Parent Portal? If not, you will want to sign up today and not miss another minute! Interims and quarterly report cards will not be printed and sent home, instead they will be available in Infinite Campus (IC) Parent Portal. We are requesting that all families sign up for an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account, if you did not receive a registration form at the time of enrollment, you can print one from the link below. One account request will allow parents to see the academic progress of all of their children, as well as to make school fee payments and add to your child’s food service account at any time. The following are ways to access the Internet if you do not have a computer at home:
Jordak has a Parent Computer Station that can be used any time during school hours by any parent or family member to gain access to Infinite Campus and the district website.
The local libraries have many computers available with free Internet access.
Parents can access all online information on any cell phone (with Internet access) via the Infinite Campus Mobile App
Need a Parent Portal account? Click HERE for the required form. Please fill out and return.
**NOTE: All messages from school come from the Email Cardinal Messenger. Please make sure you mark this address as “safe” in your spam filtering to ensure you receive all messages sent out. **