School Safety
The safety of our staff, students, and guests within our school buildings and on our transportation routes is one of the most important and most challenging parts of our job as an institution that serves the public. We do our very best, every day, to provide a safe environment for everyone who walks through our doors or rides in one of our vehicles. Unfortunately, natural and man-made disasters do occur. Such emergencies are best met by preparedness and planning, not only from those of us within the district, but also from our families at home and our members of the community. Everyone plays a role in school safety – we can not do it alone.
Cardinal Policies:
The district is required by law to conduct fire, tornado, and school safety drills several times throughout the year. During these drills, students are instructed in the appropriate procedures to follow in the various situations. Drills are conducted in conjunction with our emergency management plan, which is updated, reviewed, and submitted to the Ohio Department of Education annually. We are fortunate to have a dedicated police officers in the Village and we are in constant contact with them, as well as county emergency officials, in regards to safety practices in our buildings and updating procedures to ensure everyones safety. (Cardinal Policy 8420 – Emergency Situations at Schools.)
Safety Measures:
In addition to practicing safety drills, we have many security measures in place to ensure safety on a daily basis, including locking all building doors once students are on campus. Visitors must be buzzed in by building secretaries and sign in to the office once they enter the building.
If You See Something, Say Something
Most importantly, we encourage our families, students, and staff to say something if they see something. No incident should ever be deemed too small to report if there is any concern. We have a zero tolerance policy for threats made against our schools and the well-being of those inside our buildings. Such threats will be taken seriously, reported to the authorities, investigated, and disciplined appropriately.
There are numerous ways to report incidents:
Tell a member of the staff
Text (if you have phone numbers)
Phone calls
Safer Schools Ohio hotline at: 844-SAFEROH (844-723-3764)
Middlefield Police: 440-632-5224 | 440-632-3538 | 911 in true emergencies
Geauga County Sheriff: 440-286-1234 | 911 in true emergencies
Communication is Key
Take a few moments to speak to your child(ren) about drills we conduct here at school, learn about what happens and help your child understand why these drills are important. While the district does have a reunification plan in place in the event of an emergency, it may be helpful for you and your child to develop and talk through your own plan to communicate with each other should the district need to put the reunification plan in place.
It is also important to talk to your child(ren) about events and threats that have happened in other schools. Be aware of their actions in the wake of such tragedies. Here are some resources that may provide some guidance in getting the conversation started:
Talking to Your Children About the Recent Spate of School Shootings
Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers
Thank you for working with us to ensure everyone’s continued safety. If you have any concerns or questions about the safety protocols in your child’s building, please contact the building principal.